Poll: Healthcare reform must stay on Washington’s agenda

Americans strongly support further efforts to reform the healthcare system if the Affordable Care Act is declared unconstitutional, a new poll finds.

The overwhelming desire for a new reform effort — supported by more than 75 percent of the public — was comprised of backers and opponents alike of the law known as “ObamaCare,” according to The Associated Press-GfK poll.

Neither party is expected to launch a comprehensive reform effort if the court strikes down the law in the next two weeks. Republicans in the House have said they will immediately repeal whatever portions of the law are left standing and approach other reform attempts step by step.

The White House, meanwhile, is expected to continue implementing any parts of the law that remain.

The poll found that even among Tea Party supporters — the most vocal objectors to the original healthcare law — nearly 60 percent said they want Washington to continue some kind of healthcare reform effort. This represented the lowest level of support found by the poll, according to the AP.

Overall, 47 percent opposed the law, including only 21 percent of independents, and just over a majority said the 2012 presidential contest will have a big effect on the healthcare system.

The poll was conducted June 14-18 and had a margin of error of 4 points.


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