Joggers Rejoice!

Source: Dr. Ann Kulze

May 2012 Newsletter

Wellness Delivered Pure and Simple

In a stunning affirmation of the profound health-boosting effects of regular physical activity, European Cardiovascular researchers concluded that regular jogging can dramatically increase life expectancy. As part of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, investigators followed 19,329 adult study subjects over a period of up to 35 years. Study subjects who reported regular jogging at a “slow or average” pace were 40% less likely to die over the study period than non-joggers and increased their life expectancy by an average of 6 years. What’s more, regular joggers also reported an enhanced sense of overall well-being.


Based on this evaluation, maximum survival benefits were seen in those who jogged between one to two and a half hours a week over two to three sessions. Thankfully, there are numerous types of aerobic activities that get the heart rate into this “jogging zone”. According to the lead investigator, the goal is to move to the point of “feeling a little breathless, but not very breathless”. (1)


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