Remaining ADA-Compliant Under COVID-19 | PA Employee Benefits Firm

The coronavirus crisis has forced human resources teams to juggle more challenges than ever before, from employee benefits and sick leave to new teleworking policies. On top of this, the drastic change in the American workplace has spawned new laws and protocols, while raising questions about how these new regulations affect standing legislation like the … Continued

Communication in the Workplace | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits Firm

Today’s workforce looks markedly different than it did just 10 years ago. 1 in 3 workers in the US are millennials and this makes them the largest generation in our current workforce. The way this generation communicates makes it necessary for the office to adjust its messaging strategy. What was seen as top-notch communication tech … Continued

Celebrate the Season Safely | PA Employee Benefits Partners

Last year’s 2018 Holiday Party Survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas found that just 65 percent of companies were holding holiday festivities last year, the lowest rate since the 2009 recession, and this trend is expected to continue into the 2019 holiday season (the 2019 report has not yet been released). While in 2009, holiday parties were … Continued

Holiday Travel Safety Tips | PA Benefits Agents

Having just wrapped up Thanksgiving, we are now only 2 ½ weeks out from Christmas! While we start planning the perfect gifts for everyone special in our lives, we are also thinking of traveling to visit family and friends. Whether you go by car, bus, or plane, traveling during the holidays needs to be safe. … Continued

Be the Boss You Want to See in the World | PA Benefits Advisors

An article in the Harvard Business Review suggests that the traits that make someone become a leader aren’t always the ones that make someone an effective leader. Instead, efficacy can be traced to ethicality. Here are a few tips to be an ethical leader. Humility tops charismaA little charisma goes a long way. Too much … Continued

Managing Employees in the Gig Economy | PA Benefit Advisors

Understandably, some employers (and employees) have mixed feelings about the gig economy. While many enjoy the freedom gained and overhead saved, others miss office camaraderie and routine. No matter your position, research shows that the trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. By 2021, 9.2 million Americans will work on-demand jobs, and so employers need to … Continued

Addressing Mental Health Care at Work | PA Employee Benefits Firm

Nancy Spangler, senior consultant at the Center for Workplace Mental Health of the American Psychiatric Foundation, says that one in five adults has a mental health disorder, and one in 10 has a substance abuse problem. In addition, major depression and its associated conditions cost the U.S. over $210 billion every year. Clearly, mental health … Continued

Affordable Care Act Update | PA Benefit Consultants

Recently, the President signed a bill repealing the Affordable Care Act’s Individual Mandate (the tax penalty imposed on individuals who are not enrolled in health insurance). While some are praising this action, there are others who are concerned with its aftermath. So how does this affect you and why should you pay attention to this … Continued


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Radnor, PA 19087

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