PCORI Fee Increase for Health Plans | Pennsylvania Benefits Consultants

On November 5, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2018-85 to announce that the health plan Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee for plan years ending between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019 will be $2.45 per plan participant. This is an increase from the prior year’s fee of $2.39 due to … Continued

OSHA’s Top 10 2018 Violations | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

OSHA released a preliminary list of its top 10 cited workplace safety violations for fiscal year 2018 (Oct. 1, 2017 – Sept. 30, 2018) last week at the National Safety Council Congress and Expo in Houston. Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OHSA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs, presented the list, encouraging employers to use it as … Continued

Be the Boss You Want to See in the World | PA Benefits Advisors

An article in the Harvard Business Review suggests that the traits that make someone become a leader aren’t always the ones that make someone an effective leader. Instead, efficacy can be traced to ethicality. Here are a few tips to be an ethical leader. Humility tops charismaA little charisma goes a long way. Too much … Continued

Making a Remote Team Work | PA Insurance Group

In a tight labor market, a candidate’s potential commute can make a job more or less attractive. HumanResources reports that a quarter of employees surveyed had left a job because of the commute. When looking at just Millennials, the number jumps to one third. Employees can be choosy, selecting a job that offers more of … Continued

The 80s Are Back, According to the NLRB | Pennsylvania Benefit Agency

On September 14, 2018, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced in the Federal Register a proposed rule to return its joint-employer standard to its 1984 standard — a standard that stood until 2017. It’s returning to the days of Footloose dancing, Sixteen Candles high school sweethearts, Karate Kid champions, and the principle that a … Continued

Medicare Part D Notices Due Oct. 15 | PA Employee Benefits

Are you an employer that offers or provides group health coverage to your workers? Does your health plan cover outpatient prescription drugs — either as a medical claim or through a card system? If so, be sure to distribute your plan’s Medicare Part D notice before October 15. Purpose Medicare began offering “Part D” plans … Continued

Managing Employees in the Gig Economy | PA Benefit Advisors

Understandably, some employers (and employees) have mixed feelings about the gig economy. While many enjoy the freedom gained and overhead saved, others miss office camaraderie and routine. No matter your position, research shows that the trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. By 2021, 9.2 million Americans will work on-demand jobs, and so employers need to … Continued

Addressing Mental Health Care at Work | PA Employee Benefits Firm

Nancy Spangler, senior consultant at the Center for Workplace Mental Health of the American Psychiatric Foundation, says that one in five adults has a mental health disorder, and one in 10 has a substance abuse problem. In addition, major depression and its associated conditions cost the U.S. over $210 billion every year. Clearly, mental health … Continued


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